Treasure Island is the classic tale of wit and adventure by Robert Louis Stevenson in a new adaptation by Bryony Lavery in which the protagonist, Jim Hawkins, is introduced as a female character. When Stevenson’s novel was originally released, it was billed as “the adventure for boys,” but Lavery believes girls need adventures too. We couldn't agree more.
We have assembled an inspiring and accomplished all-female design team to bring this epic adventure to the intimate space of the Stoner Theater, led by the extraordinary Susanna Douthit.
Now we're forming an inspiring and supportive community of local female-owned businesses to stand behind us by sponsoring the production at one of the various levels. In addition to the advertising included, each sponsoring organization is invited to our sponsor cocktail hour on Thursday, April 18th to network with the other business owners and celebrate all our successes before attending a preview performance of Treasure Island.
two tickets to sponsor preview event
name and logo recognition in program & website
featured in social media post
five tickets to sponsor preview event
name and logo recognition in program & website
featured in social media post
+thank you video from the cast
ten tickets to sponsor preview event
name and logo recognition in program & website
featured in social media post
thank you video from the cast
+individual recognition during curtain speech of every performance
fifteen tickets to sponsor preview event
name and logo recognition in program, website
featured in social media post
thank you video from the cast
individual recognition during curtain speech of every performance
+name and logo recognition on posters
+promotional materials or representative at our welcome desk (materials must be pre-approved)