Des Moines Young Artists' Theatre is a nonprofit organization committed to:
*introducing students and their families to the transformative power of live theatre and the arts
*training young performers in all areas of theatre: singing, acting, dancing, writing, design, directing, and stage management.
*nurturing the next generation of artists to be free-thinking, open-minded, risk-taking artists who use their awareness of their community, society, and world to create thought-provoking and challenging works of art to promote social change.
*Students are capable of far more than society assumes.
*Students are capable of teaching just as much as they are able to be taught.
*Every young person, regardless of background or experience, deserves the opportunity to participate on and off the stage.
*When they are with us, they are not kids. They are artists and students. Neither the quality of art nor the education standard should be sacrificed for the other's gain.
*Students and theatre can change the world and improve our community.
Board of Directors
Abigail Wallace, President
Alyssa Bowers, Vice President
Brandon Record, Secretary
Nichole Poindexter-Wilson, Treasurer
Kyle Chizek
Cheryl Clark
Adam Haselhuhn
Julie Larson
Jodie Lee
Kathleen Pearson
Brandon Record
J.P. Ungs
Bob & Maria Filippone, Founders​
Production History
Afternoon of the Elves (2008), John Lennon and Me (2009), Trials: The Life of Joan of Arc (2010)
Zink: The Myth, the Legend, the Zebra; Junie B. Jones and a Little Monkey Business
Homeroom the Musical; You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown
Next to Normal (staged reading), Meet Me in St. Louis (with RTI), HERcules, 13 the Musical, Shout! An A Capella Musical, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, I Have Before Me a Remarkable Document (Student Directed Show)
My Name is Rachel Corrie (DMO), The Crucible (with RTI), Annie Jr., Spring Awakening (DMO), Cabaret (DMO), Fame Jr
Little Women, BIG FISH (Adolescent Anarchy), Stop Kiss (Student Directed Show), RENT*, columbinus, Disney's High School Musical Jr.
Romeo & Juliet, The Hobbit**, 35MM: A Musical Exhibition (Student Directed Show), Fahrenheit 451 (Adolescent Anarchy), Songs for a New World, James and the Giant Peach Jr.*
Akeelah and the Bee*, Young Artists Sing Andrew Lloyd Webber, The Duck Variations (Student Directed Show), School of Rock**, The Giver (Adolescent Anarchy), Hairspray Jr.*
I Never Saw Another Butterfly**, DUETS, Bring It On* *, Legally Blonde Jr.*
You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown**; Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead; Disney's Frozen Jr., Treasure Island*; 13 the Musical​**; Lost Girl, Seussical Jr.
The Boy at the Edge of Everything; The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe†
DUETS; She Kills Monsters: Virtual Realms; Disney's Descendants
Heathers**; Sister Act Jr.**
The Wolves, Shrek*; The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe*
Finding Nemo Jr*.; The Marvel Plays; The Prom*, Peter and the Starcatcher
*Cloris Award Nominee
**Cloris Award Winner
† Cancelled due to COVID