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Your gift to DMYAT allows us to reach more students, provide more programming, and continue to offer the most affordable tickets in town. Your support to DMYAT makes a real difference.


DID YOU KNOW?! In any given season, we estimate we'll be providing training opportunities to over 200 students from over 80 different schools!


You have the power to help introduce students and their families to the transformative power of live theatre. You can help us bring the highest quality of entertainment to your family at the lowest possible price. 



Individual contributions are vital in fulfilling our mission. You and your family can give by:


If you are interested in learning about specific needs or areas within our programming to support, feel free to contact us. We have individual sponsorships available for productions, and are always seeking scholarships for our training programs. Whether you're able to give $10 or $5,000, we are happy to find the right fit. 


Including Des Moines Young Artists' Theatre in your will or trust is one of the easiest gifts you can make. It requires no money now and you can be certain to still take care of your family by choosing to leave a percentage of your estate or trust to DMYAT, rather than a specific dollar amount.   

Just include the following language in your will or trust: 

"I bequeath $______ or ______% of my estate for its unrestricted use and purpose to Des Moines Young Artists' Theatre, a non-profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Iowa and located in Des Moines, IA"




Another great option is to name DMYAT as the beneficiary of your retirement account. Again this could be done by naming a percentage or specific dollar amount. Contact your human resources department to change your beneficiary designation. 



Recognize the life of a loved one by designating DMYAT as a recipient of memorial gifts. Donors/families that designate DMYAT as a recipient of memorial contributions have their loved one who passed away recognized in our program donor listings.






Many local corporations want to support the nonprofits that matter to their employees. Some will match your donation--up to 100%. Others will make financial contributions for every volunteer hour you spend with us. To learn more about how your company can support Des Moines Young Artists' Theatre, contact your human resources department.


We're also looking for corporations to sponsor our upcoming productions.  These sponsorships are offered at various levels and are designed to cover specific production costs such as our weekly rent at the Stoner Theater, performance royalties or guest artist fees. Free tickets and marketing opportunities are given in exchange. If you'd like to see your company's name on the cover of our next program, contact us so we can work together to make it happen! 




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DMYAT Apparel

Support Des Moines Young Artist's Theater with your purchase of our official apparel!

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